
Welcome to the The B-Files, THE Bart Simpson resource, created on Thursday, July
22, 1999. This website, as the title implies, is devoted strictly to Bartholomew J.
Simpson -- Bart Simpson -- of "The Simpsons" fame. Ever since the first
time I caught a glimpse of the Simpsons, Bart has always been a favorite of mine.
With his prank calls to Moe's Tavern, constant disobedience, rebel rising attitude, and
his constant requirement to write lines on the school chalkboard, Bart has risen to fame
since the first creation of the popular show. With now-famous phrases such as
"Aye Caramba," and "Eat my shorts," Bart has risen to become an icon
in the field of humorous sitcoms. Leading the way with his dad, Homer Simpson, and
the rest of the people of Springfield, they have made the Simpsons a juggernaut show,
mauling down the competition and driving the fans wild.
Still, why was I drawn to Bart over
his more popular dad, Homer? I think that I can attest this to a certain book
written by Bart Simpson (helped into print by Matt Groening). "Bart Simpson's
Guide to Life" just seemed to call for me way back in 1995. When I read the
opening paragraph to the book (abridged): "Hello there friend, and welcome to Bart Simpson's Guide to
Life...therefore we must assume that you actually paid money for this
merchandise...making you a concerned and sensitive individual, one who is ready to embark
on the long but worthwhile journey to enlightenment. Welcome to Suckersville,
man." Those last four words sorta won me over, I guess.
I made this website due to the lack of Bart's presence on the Internet. There are
only a handful of Bart Simpson sites, all of which can be counted on the fingers of my
right hand. Although most of these sites are of very high quality, I sensed that
there was definitely room for a couple more Bart Simpsons websites. The 'Net is
swamped with hundreds of general Simpsons sites and dozens of sites dedicated to specific
characters. Bart is one of the most popular Simpsons characters, so there should
naturally be more Bart Simpson sites than say sites dedicated to other Springfielders.
Since this is not the case, I decided that I would try my hand at working hard to
make a Bart Simpson site of my own. And the rest, as they say, is history.
The purpose of The B-Files is to inform and educate fans and non-fans alike
about the greatest Simpsons character in my opinion, Bart Simpson. I feel that Bart
is definitely a classic character who is someone worth getting to know, with the most
amount of information on the 'Net. I tried to make this site as informative and
useful as I possibly could. Also, in order to save visitors' time, I purposely made
the page as fast loading as possible, which means no 'heavy' images glued onto the pages.
For some, that's a bad thing, but for the rest of us, it's what we all want in a
website, isn't it? So without further ado, I present to you THE Bart Simpson
resource. I sincerely hope you enjoy the site, and check back here regularly, as
there's always something going on with everyone's favorite mischievous 10-year old, Bart
NOTE: A special thanks must go out to Koolaid for his help and
encouragement in making this site. Thanks Koolaid, you're the greatest, man!