Special thanks to the following people!
Without these guys, this site would still be in developmental hell. Thanks a lot
guys! You're the best!
1. Koolaid-
For helping me out in developing this current layout for The B-Files. He was there
to give encouragement and help when it was needed. Without him, this site might not
have been at its current state.
2. Aaron
Florian- Webmaster of The
Definitive Frink, and a really nice guy! He was the first person I
talked to about this site, and he critiqued this site and gave his valuable opinions and
1. Shannon
Vieira- Webmaster of the great Simpsons site, Picks' Tribute to the Simpsons.
Some of her excellent Bart images are located in the Images section.
2. Brian
Peterson & Don Del
Grande- Webmaster and contributer, respectively, to the great Simpsons Archive, who let me use their
excellent archived information on Bart's prank calls to Moe's Tavern and his blackboard
openings. |